Peak Dynamics is innovative performance consultancy working with in Sport, as well as Business & Extreme Adventures. We work with individuals, teams and organisations focusing on:
- Creating ‘What is Takes to Win’ strategies
- Building ‘Transition Pathways’ for athletes
- Optimising Decision-Making
- Improving Dynamic Team Behaviour
- Hardiness & Resilience Training
- Changing Organisational Culture
- Running Young Athlete Leadership Development programmes
- Strategic Planning and Goal Development workshops
- Improving High-Performance Team Communication
- Implementing an ‘Innovation for Competitive Advantage’ programme

Every organisational or club transformation begins ambitiously, with leaders setting aggressive goals and predicting big improvements in results. But the results often fall far short of expectations.
Teams working well together will see qualitative decision-making performance improvements of more than 50%.
Cognitive research has consistently shown that “learning by doing” is the best method for teaching adults—it accelerates learning and enhances retention.
We assess the barriers to good quality decision-making in an athlete and team, leadership skills, team behaviours and organisational cultural effectiveness.
Peak Dynamics helps sports teams and elite athletes from around the world achieve consistently superior performances.