The culture of professional sport is now more than ever under the spotlight.
There have been numerous instances of serious cultural issues arising from large sporting associations and organisations. These can have a massively damaging effect on the reputation of the organisation, the sport, its funding and the lives of individual athletes.
Quantifying and managing the culture in a sport’s association or ruling body, a club or a team is critical for bringing values “to life”, supporting the implementation of its strategies, and promoting adaptation, goal attainment, a winning performance and sustainability.
Behavioural norms have a significant impact an entity’s ability to solve problems, adapt to change, and perform effectively at the top level.
Culture has a greater impact on success than talent does.
Culture is the guiding principle that aligns an organisation or team behind an agreed set of operating principles and values. The blend of individuals will enable or undermine the culture.
Culture Survey
Peak Dynamics’ Culture Survey enables you to close the gap between your ‘current’ culture and the ‘ideal’ culture that optimal for your organisation, senior management, departments, teams and individuals. The outcomes from the survey can be used to help enable change, inform recruitment and retain key staff.
We measure and analyse the culture within your association or club, using data and metrics provided by a statistically reliable and valid survey
The culture survey measures:
- The Current Culture of the Organisation
- The Causal Factors of the Current Culture
- The Effectiveness of the Current Culture
- What the Ideal Culture should be
We provide visual profiling of your operating and ideal cultures in terms of the behaviours that members believe are required to “fit in and meet expectations.” We also look at how effective the current culture is proving to be.
We then identify and provide you with solutions and actions that will help close the gap between the current and ideal culture for the association, senior management, departments, teams and individuals.
- Reliable data is obtained data on the behavioural norms of your association or club
- Validates a need for cultural change on the part of participants
- Uses sensitivity analysis of responses
- Identifies the areas where change needs to take place
- Develops a vision for culture change
- Creates individual, team and organisational action plans for effecting cultural change
- Evaluates the impact of organisational change efforts
- Quantitatively measures and monitors key outcomes and causal factors
- Determines the impact of organisational, team, and job level factors on the effectiveness
- Assesses employee attitudes, motivation, and stress levels
- Identifies targets for changing and improving engagement and organisational performance
- Identifies levers for moving your organisation’s current culture toward its ideal
- Monitors the impact of organisational change initiatives and interventions
- The data is comparable year-on-year
- The culture survey and consultation is carried out by us. Being an organisation independent of the client – there is No Conflict!